Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas everyone! Oh how I do love Christmas and the pure joy that seems to seep out each crack and crevice of any one you run into. Parts of the Midwest were snow-less on this very day, but it was convenient for traveling folks.

Eve. Our festivities began at 5pm with my brother and his girlfriend in tow. We had to get some last minute gifts for our annual white-elephant gift exchange! Of course. Leave it to my brother to wait until the LAST minute. But it surely led to some fun times. We proceeded on our way to my aunts house where dinner, family, friends, and presents were waiting. We took Rigby, our new puppy, who turned out to be a handful, but it was worth the smiles he brought to many faces. After we all ate and told stories that made milk/wine shoot out of our noses, we started circling up for our gift exchange. After an hour of opening, wheeling, dealing, stealing, yelling, hiding, and walking away happy, I unfortunately ended up with a mini pool table and a Huskers bottle-opener. I will not be putting either of these to use anytime soon. I really should have opened my own coffee themed present that I put into the mix. My cousin Kay and I talked in English accents the ENTIRE night. It was rather hilarious. It is so funny that you will prolly fall of your chair laughing. Then my other cousin and I looked at her new house and talked about the wedding coming in June! Cannot wait to be a bridesmaid! Woooo!

Christmas. I woke up late, showered, and got ready for my brother, sister, and her boyfriend to come over for present opening and dinner. It was a small gathering but a fun one nonetheless. I got a few fun things and money for a winter coat! I just love family time and all of the fun that comes from it. Babs, my brothers girlfriend is teaching me how to knit tonight during the second half of Daaaaaaa Bears game! I hope I can make a scarf real fast.

I got to bake with my good friend, Sarah, for our holiday happenings! Here is what we made! We may have gone a tad overboard but had so much fun adding big chunks of holiday goodness to these previously simple almond bark pretzels......Oh, and this was only 1/3 of our goodies! We gave them as gifts. :)

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